/* function full_cat_name_single($id, $str) { global $lang; $fsql1="select category_id, level,category_parent, category_name_".$lang." as maincat from ".$cfg_row->table_prefix."category "; $fsql1 .=" where category_id =".$id; $fres = mysql_query($fsql1) or die ("Invalid query1"); while($frow1 = mysql_fetch_object($fres)) { $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($fres); if ($num_rows>0){ $r=full_cat_name_single($frow1->category_parent,'' ) . $frow1->maincat." ".$str."->"; } } return $r; } */ ?> Product list
196-399 ->Postfrisk ->
Danmark postfrisk nr. 380A SAVA variant prik under bindestreg
AFA Nr dk380Ast-pl4040

Pris: DKK. 30.00

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